Hello, I m trying to figure out what kind of doctor to go to or what to get tested for at my general physicians office. I have a list of symptoms. I am constantly thirsty. I easily drink 8 liters and up of water a day. Naturally along with the water I need to urinate a lot, even if I don t drink much. My mouth gets dry pretty quickly too.I also always feel hungry I get sick incredibly easily, and once I m sick it stays for quite a while. When I get hurt it takes forever to heal and everything leaves a scar . I get dizzy often, and I often feel weak and shakey. My hands shake visibly and I feel like I may faint. My period is very strange as it follows no patern. It come sometimes 3 months apart sometimes one month after the other. The flow is alway very heavy and the cramps and pains make it very hard to function. I get yeast infections and urinary tract infections quite a few times per year and my vagina gets itchy often. Sometimes my vision gets blurry and i have a very hard time concentrating. I know that is a lot of symptoms and some may have nothing to do with the others but I want to cover all my bases.