12 months ago I underwent extreme IVF treatment. As soon as the Gestone injections in the upper buttocks area let the oil out there was always a sharp pain in my outer hip bone. That pain has stayed to this day, 1 year on. I have been to the doctor 5 times. Symptoms suggest greater trochanteric bursitus syndrome. I used to be a professional ballerina but since trying for a family I have been fully retired for 7 years; I literally stopped ALL exercise overnight, and have been trying to gain weight. Oddly though if I have to rush and break out into a jog every so often, the pain actually lessens, it also does so if I tense that particular muscle, however, any other times like simply a transference of weight and I am starting to hobble . Please advise best treatment without compromising trying for a baby (still!), intuitively, I want to start exercising again to get some natural muscular support back into that area - it feels natural and emotionally it would definitely be uplifting. With kindest regards, Tanya