I understand your concern.
Cramps in abdomen associated with constant
back pain suggests-
- Baby desending down to get fixed in pelvis.. it happens in most of first pregnancies.
- Calcium & vitamin D deficiency can cause constant back ache( needs supplements)
- Vaginal infection/ urinary complaints may accompany the symptom,
- Digestive problem with constipation/
bloating and abdominal cramps is a common symptom in later months of
LASTLY, yes it can be beginning of premature delivery.. but here the intensity & frequency goes on increasing/ it is not associated with constant pain. Pain comes & vanishes completely/ Itr is accompanied by increased
vaginal discharge ( with occasional blood tinge )/ It is accompanied by down words pressure.
You need to consult your treating obstetrician & get specific treatment for the causative factor/ to detain delivery till baby develops well & is ready to take birth,