Thanks for consulting in Healthcare. Your daughter has microanomaly of
kidney. You did IVU, i think it showed that all kidney work normally, function is normal, then don't worry.But you should know what kind of infection she has. Do please urine culture and sensitivity to antibiotics, that you can be confident in treatment, because we have antibiotic resistent forms of
E.coli and Ps.aeruginosa, in addition do
blood test for IgM,G to Chl.trachomatis,Myc.trachomatis and Ur.urealiticum, which can create problems in kidneys. She should drink 1 litr water every day and keep her kidney in warm dont sit on the
cold floor. One more things they can do cystogramma for excluding inflax. Teach her to urinate every 2-3 hour .Wash her genital organs 2-3 times a day, iron her underwear, because
urethra is very short at girls-2-3cm and infection can go easily .Don't allow to urinate in rivers and sea,pools infection can come during urination in water.Take care