Symptoms: lower back pain, radiating from spine at waist to right hip, sciatica on left side,urinary retention. MRI, T12/L1 minimal disc desiccation with nominal central disc displacement. lesion noted within and widening the right neural foramen most consistent with schwannoma. L3-5, facet arthropathy indents the thecal sac and results in moderate biforaminal narrowing and abutment of descending L5 nerve roots bilaterally. Tarlov cyst at S2. Neurosurgeon says tumor nor Tarlov cyst causing symptoms. Will have EMG/NCV soon. Worried about urinary retention. Urologist wants to try InterStim without looking at reason why I have retention. I want to find out why I m having all these symptoms and if they can be related before I have anything implanted. I m a 54 year female. Pretty healthy until now. If not neurological, can it be a possible prolapse? I ve had 5 vaginal deliveries. Should I try and see a urogynocologist? Recommendations are welcomed. Thank you