Hallow Dear,
Though he claims to have withdrawn his penis before ejaculation, he would have deposited the pre-ejaculatory secretions (precum) in the vagina. They are deposited without any sensations. Precum does contain sufficient amount of sperms which can fertilize the ovum.
However, the first cardinal symptom of early
pregnancy is missing a period. All other symptoms like nausea & vomiting,
frequent urination and breast symptoms appear only about a week to 10 days after missing a period. So your
heartburn, nausea and vomiting seems to be due to
gastritis you have developed. Some antacids like
Pantoprazole and Gelucil or Tums will give you relief from these symptoms.
Your other somatic aches are likely to be due to vigorous physical activity during sex. It is likely that you are having some viral infection which is causing all these symptoms.
Paracetamol or Tylenol might help you in this.
body ache and vomiting continues, please report to a Physician.
Please wait for your menses to appear. If you miss a period, then you may get pregnancy test done on overnight first morning urine sample a week after missing the period. Alternatively you may opt for Beta hCG test on blood.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri