Dear thanks for the question.
Your height is normal for your age, so avoid worrying. You are attaining
puberty, which is a normal physiological process. At this age height and weight increases rapidly. Adams apple also enlarges during puberty. So you are relating height with Adams apple growth . This height will increase till the age of 20 years.
I believe that considering your current height your height will be good by age of 20. If I were your treating doctor I would have advised you to wait and watch. However keeo taking good nutritious food as growing body requires more food. Increase
proteins (egg, meat, pulses, milk products), increase carbohydrates (rice, wheat) and
vitamins (fruits, Green vegetables) for next 5 years. Keep doing moderate amount of exercises. . Your height will certainly increase.
I hope I have clarified your queries. Do write for follow up queries. Please rate my reply. I wish you good health and good height. Thank you.