Hello. Thank you for writing to us
Unprotected sex is a risk factor for all STD's and therefore I suggest you to get screened for all STD's.
Knee pain seems to be non-specific and unrelated.
Tingling sensation at the tip of urethra without any urethral discharge could be either non-specific
urethritis like irritation due soaps etc for cleansing this area Or it could be non-gonococcal urethritis/ NGU that may have got it from unprotected sexual encounter.
I suggest a swab test for urethritis at 2 weeks for possible microbial cause of urethritis (swab test detects the DNA of microbes like gonorrhea and chlamydia).
Swab test is sensitive and specific and should be performed at 2 weeks or later for it to be authentic.
I also suggest screening for HIV and Syphilis at 1 month and this has to be repeated at 3 months for a conclusive test result.
Testing for
Genital herpes is earliest at 2 weeks and would detect circulating
antibodies against virus in case you were infected.
Besides testing, if you develop symptoms like urethral discharge, genital ulcers/ erosions, warts or growths in the genital region you must get yourself examined by a venereologist.
Always practice safe sex with a condom!!