Hi, I am a 66 y/o female that has had a cardiac pacemaker since 1994. I had it replaced in 2005. At my last visit (I have it checked every 6 mos) I was told that it would probably last another year. Well, for the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing shortness of breath, very dizzy, a feeling that I m going to pass out, and just a general feeling of malaise. I saw my primary care phys. yesterday and my b/p was 84/50. When they took it again, it was 94/60. My doc told me to cut back on my B/P med and just take one at bedtime and that might help the dizziness. Well, today I feel just as bad, if not worse. Is this something that might be attributed to my pacemaker? Thank you in advance for your help with this matter. Marlene S.