i had been masturbating a lot and pretty roughly for a week and also making myself get a boner and take myself to the point of almost ejaculating and then i would stop, keeping the boner going for a while.very shortly after this i had two thick veins bulge to the surface of my penis, one on the lower right and one on the upper left. they both hurt, like they're pinched or something(i can't really describe it, it's kind of like a throbbing) i have no pain or new veins in my testicles so i'm relatively sure i don't have vericoceles. my dad says it is because i must have irritated my penis and that the way the body reacts to inflammation is to increase blood flow to the afflicted areas, and that's why the veins are becoming more visible in those areas especially hurt.are these new veins because of my unsafe masturbation techniques and if so, if i abate from such will my pain and veins go away? please respond, as i am very uncomfortable and depressed about this