Sir, My name is Asif.I am 27 years old.I am very shy and not like to talk too much.I like to stay alone and I have no friends.When I am 20 years old I started to watch porn movies on internet.At that time I had a very strong sexual desire and I started to masturbate almost everyday one or even more than one time.At that time I didn”t know the side effect of gives me pleasure so I continue to masturbate.At that time everything seems alright but the problem starts after 3 years.I lost my sexual desire .I did not feel the same sexual excitement while watching porn movies.At present I have lots of problem.My penis became very weak , soft and it does not get hard.My sexual desire deminished.I feel little sexual excitement sometimes but after sleep I completely lost my libido. Even watching porn movies I does not feel anything.I feel heavyness in my penis..During masturbation I does not feel any pleasure.My condition worsens after sleeping, and when experiencing or enduring hot weather. I also emit some semen, this occurs during sleep as well as when sitting down.I feel tired all the times and lack of self confidence .I also have back pain some times.My memory also very weak. I feel fatigue or tired all the time . I feel soft or weak erection.Recently I married. But I was unable to intercourse with my wife. I consult a gynaecologist .He prescribe me the following medicines for three month.
1.Androil testocap three times a day
2.penegra 100 one time a day
3.duralast 30 one time a day
4.fludac 20 one time a day
5.tentex royale two times a day
6.LRZin forte two times a day
7.Himcolin gel on penis
After taking the medicines for two months my penis started to get harder but my sexual desire completely lost .My condition does not libido does not increase .and the above problems not cured.I stop masturbating since three months but my condition does not improve.The same problems continues.
My quastion is whether the above medicines cure me completely ? Can I recover from the side effect of over masturbation? If not kindly prescribe me some medicine to recover my lost health.please give me some suggestion what should I do ?
I heve no other disease . My blood , sugar and thyroid test result is perfect.I does not have any other physical problem.
Thank you…I am waiting for your reply.