Im a man 17 tears old.Recently (2 months) I was quite a lot sick, what could it possibly mean? First it started on 12.11.2013. with fatigue and headache, to 12/12/2013 had a temperature 37.2 Celsius .The disease calmed down till 18.12.2013.After thatI got sick again 30.12. and had a temperature of 38 but she quickly fell (within a few hours) the disease ended by 5.1.2013.I made blood tests but everything was completely normal.Now I got sick again on Friday 24.1. it all started with a sore throat and coughing and runny nose, but no fever (36.3-) Otherwise I do not feel tired, and I have normal appetite. What do you think it could be? Was it something serious or just a harmless viruses that I picked up from the environment? What do I need to do now?