i have gone through your query.
here are some guidelines regarding recovery after a
tonsillectomy procedure:
Sore throat, especially when swallowing. This may last 7-10 days
Blood tinged mucus. This is normal on the day of surgery. Try to avoid excess clearing of the throat.
Expect a
low-grade fever possibly up to 102 F when taken by mouth or 101° under the arm. It may last 7 days.
Bad breath. Your child’s breath may be bad smelling for many days while the throat is healing.
Your child may still snore and have a nasal voice during this healing time. If it lasts longer than a month, please tell your doctor.
Limit your child’s activity for one (1) week.
Your child should avoid strenuous exercise and activity, or lifting any heavy wt.
Be sure your child gets plenty of rest.
pain around the eye should go away in 2-3 days.
hope this answer helps
take care
Dr. Shesh