Hi,I was hyperthyroid but after a few years, had it removed as docs couldnt control it. have been on thyroxine for 6 years now. Was on 150mcg a day and felt good in myself. My new doctor has reduced to 125mcg daily. I feel low now and constantly tired. My eyes are starting to blur and get really really dry, and I get headaches a lot. Do you think it is due to the lowered dosage which I have been on for about 2 months now? It was lowered due to blood results showing something to do with TSH and T4 not being at the correct levels. I also feel nauseous a lot of the time, but this is probably due to my eyes being all blurry and my headaches.Can I ask doc to increase my levels back to 150mcg or should I stick with current dosage? I dont like the symptoms I am currently experiencing.Thanks for any advice,Gen