Dr. Purushottam welcomes you to HCM virtual clinic!
Thanks for consulting at my virtual clinic. I have carefully gone through your query, and I think I have understood your concern. I will try to address your medical concerns and would suggest you the best of the available treatment options.
1.First of all do not panic.
2.Considering your history of stopping the injectable
contraceptive and having unprotected sex act in December; i will suggest getting morning’s first sample of urine tested for
In case of doubt blood
beta HCG test and USG can be done to confirm or rule out pregnancy.
3. If there is no pregnancy then your symptoms can be due to PMS-
premenstrual syndrome.I will suggest indulging in a healthy diet and regular exercise regime.Include plenty of fruits, salads, vegetables in the diet.
Have adequate water intake; say 8 – 10 glasses per day.
Avoid deep fried foods, bakery products and refined sugars.
Long acting form of vitamin B6,
vitamin E and evening primrose oil supplements on daily basis for 3 months will be of help.
4. With negative pregnancy test, a course of
progesterone would benefit you. Please ask your doctor about Drug withdrawal bleeding/about progesterone therapy.
I hope this answer was helpful to you!
Thank you and best regards!
Dr Purushottam S Neurgaonkar