I am 23 year old female, I have never been sexually active in my life, I am waiting until marriage. My sister had her girlfriend living with us that was shooting up drugs and I used to leave my razors in the bathroom and I am pretty sure that she used them several times. I went and was tested for HIV on November 24th and again on April 18th both test were negative and I was also tested for Hepatist A B & C, all were also negative. But recentely on May 7th, I was cutting vegatables in the kitchen and cut myself with a knife pretty bad, I don t know when the last time it was used or if anyone cut themselves with it before me. Shortly after that, I was going to use nail clippers, I was spraying them off with everywhere bleach and whatever was on the nail clippers and the bleach got into the cut I had. I was tested at 5.7 weeks after the knife and nail clippers exposure. Is that conclusive or is there any risk? About a month after exposure to the knife and nail clippers I started to get a sore throat and swollen glands and I had this pain that went from behind my left ear all the way down my neck and into my shoulder, I don t know if this is a symptom of Hiv or stress. Also I have had one ulcer after another in my mouth. Please let me know what my risk is. Thank you so much in advance