Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of increase in lipase level of 454 which reduced to 382 after no drinking episode but have been taking beer it seems .
Got treated for H pylori with 2 different antibiotics. The upper
abdominal pain and constant burping continues.Also taking Garcinia and cleansing pills. No
weight loss at all, which is known to have with Garcinia as it is given for weight loss, but is proved not to be as effective as it is supposed to be.
Garcinia being a herbal product is not well researched and be can not be sure whether it can cause increase in lipase or not.
It is possible that you are suffering from
Pancreatitis and you need further investigations of
Insulin, sugar , liver and kidney functions, CT scan of the abdomen and MRCP , ERCP as may be needed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Stop alcohol in any form.
Soft bland diet and maintain blood sugars, calcium as may be needed.