Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
Unprotected sex is definitely a risk factor for STD's including
antibodies usually appear in the serum of infected individuals at 1 month post infection, which can be detected by antibody test. However rarely they may not appear as late as 3 months.
In your case a rapid finger test for HIV antibodies has come out negative on 2 occasions i.e 4 weeks and 6 weeks, therefore, in all likelihood you would be negative.
Hep C does not carry much of a risk from sexual transmission.
However, there is still a very small possibility of infection which can be conclusively ruled out by testing at 3 months.
Your symptoms may be unrelated and some of these if not all may be related to
anxiety as well like
cold sweats, mouth ulcers.
I will suggest you to get a repeat test for HIV antibodies at 3 months to get a conclusive result.
Moreover, if you develop any ulcer, or growth or
wart in the genital area you must get yourself checked with a specialist.
Always practice safe sex with a condom