Hi, I'm a 32 year old female experiencing crackling in my left lung for around a month now. I went to my doctor just this past Thursday 6/13 and she listened to my lungs and said it sounded like it was coming from the upper part of the lung and ordered an x-ray. She reviewed the x-ray and didn't see anything that would indicate pneumonia. I also notice some pain in my back on my left side and left shoulder, but it seems to only happen if I am lying down or leaning on my back.
The crackling is there whether I am inhaling or exhaling. My doctor also prescribed me an Albuterol inhaler and said I should see a lung specialist if I'm not better in a week. I also had a mass in my left lung that was found in August of 2011 which, after a bronchoscopy, was found to be caused by a fungal infection. I was on itraconazole for around a year and had a few follow up CT scans to see if it made the mass reduce in size. The last time it was looked at, in November of 2012, the lung specialist said the mass was calcifying. It might not have anything to do with my current lung crackling, but I was fine for months and then this just started without me having a cold or cough. I also don't have itchy or watery eyes, so I'm doubting it could be from allergies. My doctor said it didn't SOUND like asthma, but could be a possibility.
Thanks for any help. :)