Hello, my name is Adam, and I am a 27 year old male. About a month ago, after a long day of drinking little to no water, I urinated a dark brown color, similar to tea or soda. Again, I felt dehydrated, had not urinated very often that day, and it was a very active day. I went to my doctor, who ran a urine test, and found small traces of blood but no infection. He believed I had prostatitis, because I had a very tender prostate, and had been experiencing some pain upon bowel movements and occasionally after ejaculation. I was prescribed antibiotics for 3 weeks. I still occasionally have pain with ejaculation and bowel movement, though not as severe. the pain is in the rectal/perineum area. After 3 weeks blood was gone and my doctor did not require any more follow up appointments. Should I still contact a urologist? Does this sound like possible bladder cancer? Again I just turned 27, and am otherwise very fit and healthy. my email address is YYYY@YYYY