A month ago I had a a tea colored urination. The following 3 days I had light colored stools. Then nothing. Yesterday I started having dark urine and I could tell it was from blood. I also have been having very dark, almost, orange, discoloration of my eyelids. For years now I have suffered from extreme fatigue that is always worsened by heat, direct sunlight, and stress. I can be in the sunlight for about 5 minutes and become exhausted. I tend to have an achy pain in my fingers on both sides which is also worsened by heat. My stomach bloats almost every time I eat. I have also noticed hair loss where my hair is actually thinning on the sides. It is noticeable when I put my hair up. Lastly, I seem to bruise very easily. Sometimes I wake up with tiny lines of broken blood vessels on the back of my upper arm. I have even seen them after carrying my bag or purse. I had a blood test 5 days ago but everything came back normal. Is there anyway that these symptoms could be related? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and IBS 3 years ago. However, those diagnoses dont really seem to fit. Please help.