i am 38 maried male having 2 kinds facing weak sexual performance i.e .no hot feeling in penis area, soft errection + early discharge after penetration) on most days specially when i go for repeated sex on next day; however surprisingly at some day which happen very rare (around once in month or twice) i feel much energy in my penis in terms of errection and also have delay in ejaculation around 5 min aprox. i am little sad that why this rare performance happen in routine sex. few credentials along with medical reports extracts are listed height 6 feet weight 80kg, HDL 47, LDL 168 (having family history as well), non diabetic (fasting below 100 mg), no Blood pressure, non smoking. present life style include regular exercise in morning (4km brisk walk/jogging) along with aerobic exercises, balance diet i.e. lentenls, veggies, fruits, grains, meat organic, coocked in canola oil. past life style include early puberty excessive mastrubation along with multiple sex experiences before marriage, excessive carbohydrates eating specially rice, transfat (bakery items), excess eating etc. i wnat to know what is responsible for my weak sexual performance 1. guilt/stress on past sexual excessive specially puberty mastrubation, 2. inflamation of artires in terms of elevated LDL due to past bad eating behaviors which restricted blood flow, 3. nutritional deficiency and 4. last but not least is there any effect of excessive purberty age mastrubation on penis size and its sensitivity. hopping for an honest advice as i experience from your web history. regards,