hello my name is Claire Heitzler but i have an interesting question about my pregnancy test
well let me start when after i gave birth to my child 2012. she was born on nov 23 2012, After i gave birth to her i kind of stopped having periods, I've only had one then never had them again and still haven't had one as of today. me and my fiance hardly ever have sex even after the birth. its been about maybe 6 months sense we haven't had sex, we only have had about 3 time or so and i was never pregnant. Then we had sex not to long ago maybe 3 days ago but i do not remember his semen going in me, before he could he pulled it out.
we were living together about a month ago then i had to mom back to my parents and that's when i started getting sick and I've been very stressed out later and a bunch of emotions going on so its been that sense i moved back and till now. after me and him had sex just yesterday i started throwing up around 6.30ish, then today i was around 9 when i was about to leave from dropping off my infant. ever sense the birth i haven't had an apatite and had trouble eating, tired, lightheaded, dizziness. i think it was from all the stress i was putting my self in. well i took a pregnancy test today around 12 and it was positive. it just stumped me becs i wasn't sure how that was possible