My periods were 4 days late. The next day I thought periods were starting but only passed some brown discharge over the whole day (hardly anything on one pad.) This morning (after I woke) I walked to bathroom, had to stop as felt terrible pain like something bursting or popping from inside on lower left hand side and then passed floods of blood , the bedroom carpet, bathroom carpet and bath where I ended up standing in looked like a massacre had taken place!! Counted when I was in the bath took 3-4 seconds for all the blood to stop pouring out. It was pouring out of me like a hose. I have never experienced anything like this before. I have 5 healthy children, take no medication and in good health. My periods normally every 25 days with medium bleeding for 3-5 days. Has anyone else ever felt this popping feeling with pain and so much blood loss? Does anyone know what this could have been? I have been feeling dizzy today probably with the blood loss. I have had 1 pad on since this morning but there is just a tiny bit of red blood. I am in no pain just slight cramp on the left hand side now.Thank you for your answers in advance.