i am very depress and have severe anxiety.I am feeling very guilty of my mistake! i want to suicide as people are making fun of me .I started doing excessive ejaculation from age15 to 17.As when i started at age 15 like 2 to 3 times a day and from age15 i started getting hair fall/thinning! As till 17 i realized that my hair fall has worsen and thought it was due to excessive ejaculation,so i stop this habit immediately.But i had already have a bit severe hair loss! As i went to a doctor who did all test ,the thyroid test and all nutritional test,all were normal.I told that doctor that i used to do excessive ejaculation from age 15 to 17 and my hairfall/thinning started immediately when i started ejaculating! So the doctor said that yes due to excessive ejaculation or frequent masturbation causes high testosterone levels in the body which causes it converting into Dht and so the overload of dht in body has cause you hairloss/thinning As i have became bald from the front and crown at such a young age,I feel that due to my this silly mistake , i have faced this consequences.I asked several other doctors. total 3 doctors told that excessive ejaculation can cause directly to hairloss and eventually balding as it increase testosterone level which is converted to dht which is the main cause of hairloss. So for 6 months i am not studying have drop my semester and i am feeling very guilty due to confusion , that some doctor say it directly cause hairloss with ejaculation! Plz tell me is it true what these several doctor told me or if not true then what is the real theory or connection of this dht ,testosterone and hair loss! PLz sir anyone help me by explaining the real medical evidence as well.I have even when to psychiatrist but my guilt feeling give mepanic attacks.thankyou sir