I am 55 yrs old with controlled diabetes . A1C 6.5 or below usually, do not smoke or drink. Only medicines I take is Metaform 500 ER. My heart flutters when I eat greasy food. It start fluttering before I put the food in my mouth. It is weird. Blood pressure is OK. I had necular stress test done because my holtor monitor test came bad with heart below slowing for prolonged seconds. I was on decongestants that time which I learned can mess up the heart beat too. Today again, my heart is fluttering, left arm twiched too, hands felt week briefly, ate some sugary pie that I should not have.. I also ate 5 oz chicken, salad, dal (lentils), What can be it. I was told by a friend, I need to go see Cardiology specialized in physiology (?). Please advise.