Hi, 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Hyper Bilirubinemia. All my other enzyme level were normal until several months. Now I got High ALT ,AST,LDi including the high level of bilirubin. I have never had hepatitis and I am not a smoker or drink alcohol. tbi = 37.4 (normal values: 0 - 17) sometimes it goes over 70. dbi = 6.4 (0 - 5.0) LDI = 292 (100-190) ALT = 89 (30-65) (used to be 117 in the previous blood test ) AST = 39 (15-37) (used to be 54 in the previous blood test) My MCHC were also high 400 (310 - 355), but PCT low 0.001 (0.002 - 0.005) Could you please tell me if it is some serious liver disease like cancer?