My periods have always been abnormal, and I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2003. They finally got better, and have been (for the most part) regular since 2004. This past month, my period lasted 9 days. It's never gone over 5 days. It started back 8 days later, & I've had a light period for 1 week now.. Again! Along with the bleeding, I've noticed my stool is different. It goes from diarrhea to constipation, and I have a lot of stomach cramping. To take you back 2 months, I had a yearly Pap smear, and I had mild Dysplasia, which the doctor wants to re-check next month. I don't know if I should wait that long. The pain and bleeding are causing me to be moody, and I'm also worried there may be another underlying condition. I need advice. Please help!