Sorry to hear about the condition of your father-in-law.
Let me tell you that there are multiple treatment options in
carcinoid tumors.
1) He can be put on injection
octreotide. Studies have shown that octreotide alone can reduce the tumour growth rate.
2) There is a form of treatment that uses
radiation that can be targeted specifically to the carcinoid tumors. It is very effective. The survival of the patients with this form of treatment has been upto 40 months median in several studies in patients with metastatic disease. This treatment is called Peptide Receptor
Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT). If you can let me know where you reside, I can possibly guide you with regards to who can provide you the service. I have myself worked in a center where several of the patients who had metastases and failed
chemotherapy have taken this treatment and had a good response and survival.
With regards to the survival of the patients with carcinoid there are several factors that predict this.
If he does not have the heart affected by the disease that is a good thing to start with.
There is a marker called as the Ki67 index. This will give an estimate of the growth rate of the tumor. If it is
Kindly check with these results and discuss with
oncologist or nuclear medicine physician or you can contact me for further details.