Hi. I am 46-year old and have been recently diagnosed of having fatty liver (grade I). Since I have normal levels for blood cholesterol, triglyceride and fasting sugar and also normal liver function’s tests [e.g. AST(SGOT), ALT (SGPT), Alkalaine phosphatage, Bilirubine]. Furthermore, I have been on healthy diet and daily physical exercises (40 mints) for over 10 years, but I am not alcoholic person. Moreover, my thyroid hormones (T3, T3UP, T4, free T4 & TSH) levels (tested on 19th May 2013) were also within normal range (I have been taking levo-thyroxine (daily 0.15 mg) for over 10 years)). I should mention that my doctors (specialist in liver disease and glands) believe that the cause are most likely “having fatty food and not having enough physical exercises”.
I would be grateful if you could give your comments and advice on the causes for my fatty liver condition.