Dear friend, welcome to HCM.
your BP readings are still disturbingly high !
are you worried too much?
high BP has many causes and need ecomprehensive evaluation.
could you please mentionif you were thoroughly tested and post your results here using the upload facility of the website?
without details, we may not be able to guide you accurately.
you are on 4 drugs is good doses and still have
uncontrolled BP.there is scope of dose elevation for
but have the causes well evaluated?
pheochromocytoma, kidney diseases,
renal artery doppler, 2D echo, EKG, Xray chest, complete blood profile and urine routine are all needed.
pl. check and upload here.
will await more info.
do not neglect and follow up with your doctors for it.
I hope to have answered your query satisfactorily.
Take care and please keep me informed of your progress.
Good Luck !
May I request you to rate your experience here before you close.
Thank you.