Welcome and thank you for using HCM!
I do understand your concerns and i am trying to give you some more information related to your diagnoses.
You reported that you are diagnosed with and hot nodule at scintiscan, which is responsible for your
hyperthyroidism. In general, hot nodules have a very low possibility for malignancy and Fine Needle
Biopsy Aspiration is not recommended for them.
The oral treatment of the hyperthyroidism usually lasts 12-18 months than a definite treatment is recommended, i.e
radioactive iodine or the removal of the lobe where the nodule is with surgery.
Aspirating the liquid is not a solution, for two reasons:
1) You reported that you don't have local symptoms caused by the compression of the nodule.
2)The liquid may be produced again within 1 hour
The aspiration is not going to resolve the hyperthyroidism. It needs one of the two ways of treatment that i suggested above.
Hope my information will be somewhat helpful.
Kind regrads,