You are 55/M. You had problem in urination with an irritable bladder several yrs back and found the
prostate enlargement is the cause for your problem. You have undergone operation for the same.
Now you have
fever 1 day duration with difficulty in urination with a poor stream of flow 10 days duration, prior to this you had upper
respiratory tract infection for which antibiotic Ampoxin was prescribed and you got alright of your respiratory infection.
Before coming to a conclusion certain details are needed. How was your prostate removed, is it cystoscopic removal of prostate, if so what was the
biopsy report.
Taking for granted the biopsy report was benign growth (as it was removed long back and you were symptoms free till 10 days prior today, we must find out what are all the possible causes of poor stream of urine and difficulty in urination.
Your upper RTI is totally excluded.
Remaining are 2 possible causes are:
!) recurrent growth of prostate - even though benign - because prostate is not removed in total through cystoscopic removal - most possible cause.
2) Stricture of uerthra - severity may differ
Investigations like
1) Complete urine analysis including culture and sensitivity
2) USG of abdomen
3) Micturiting cyso urethrogram
4) A complete rectal examination
by this we can easily arrive at a diagnosis and by treating the prevailing condition will make you totally alright
Best wishes