Welcome in H.C.M.
I have gone through your query regarding blood mixed discharge from ear, with severe earache.
Considering your symptoms and co-relating with possible pathophysiological facts it appears as you are suffering from acute
otitis media with perforation in ear drum.
For this I would like to tell you that
nasal infection and throat infections most of the time reaches to middle ear through eustachian tube, in this way
acute otitis media develops, which is a painful disease of ear and here fluid in ear exerts pressure over ear drum and this is very painful. Later on an small hole develops in ear drum due to
pressure necrosis which ultimately gives way to collected fluid of middle ear to pass out in the ear canal. this is the fluid which you had seen in your ear.
Now you are advice for-
1- Don't put any ear drop or oil in the ear.
2- Keep your ear clean and dry.
3- For pain you may take tab
4- Steam inhalation.
5- Mucolytic and anti histamine.
I hope this will help you , but if do not feel better than consultation with ENT doctor will become necessary.