Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
I would come up with these possibilities , these includes.
1 Menopausal syndrome , diagnosis can be confirmed by examination of blood for various hormones as
estrogen , androgen,estardiol, if you are FEMALE patient and age around 50 years .
Cervical spondylitis , diagnosis can be confirmed by C T scan of cervical region.
Anemia , one of the most foremost reason of
dizziness and nausea . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
hemoglobin level examination.
Another cause is hyper acidity due to overeating of food previous day .
In my opinion consult a gynecologist , if you are a female patient as above mentioned .
If male patient then consult an orthopedic surgeon and get his opinion for cervical spondylitis.
Good luck. Dr. HET