I m wondering if I am pregnant. My periods are regular. For the past two months, I have been having rusty colored discharge and light pink spotting. Two months ago when I was supposed to have my period, the discharge stopped and the first two days I was supposed to have my period, nothing happened at all. Then the next 5 days the discharge happened again. And it also happened last month. I was on birth control and I was on it for 5 months straight and that was the only weird thing that happened. I AM sexually active and do not use protection. I am also notice weight gain in my stomach. It honestly looks like I m at least 4 months pregnant. I stopped taking my birth control hoping it would stop the discharge and stuff, now I m getting cramps. And not period cramps. Cramps in my lower abdomen and right underneath my rib cage. I have been getting really bad headaches the past month and the same cramps for a month and a half.