Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
You seem to have Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as
hereditary hair loss in males.
Hair loss in this type of alopecia has a specific pattern i.e thinning and balding is predominantly from top of the scalp, also from angles of anterior hair line thereby imparting a "V" shaped appearance to the anterior hair line.
There may also be gradually receding anterior hair line giving rise to a broad forehead.
Minoxidil is approved for treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. It is used in 5% strength in males, 1ML twice daily.
It is absolutely safe. May cause a
dull headache in those who use higher than recommended quantity of minoxidil on scalp.
Apart from minoxidil Oral
Finasteride 1mg is also approved for arresting/ slowing down progression of androgenetic alopecia.
Finasteride is also safe; it may cause sexual side effects like decreased libido in 1-2% of patients, however, this side effect in temporary and is not an issue on continued treatment.
Treatment with Minoxidil and Oral Finasteride is life long to maintain the benefits achieved with this treatment.
I suggest you to visit a
dermatologist for more details about these.