My partner/spouse (42 yrs. together) has had prostate cancer and had a radical prostatectomy in 2007. He has had ED and urine leakage ever since. Lately the urge to urinate and leakage has gotten very bad. He also has very bad Lumbar Herniated disc problems at the L4-L5 levels w/ spondelythesis. I am familiar with that part because I have had 4 spine operations, 1 in the exact lumbar area. Can his increased leakage be cause by the herniated disc? No one will operate on him (he has gone thru all the protocols, the epidural inj., PT, etc.) because has had MRSA twice. He also has 5 heart stents. He is 67. I am getting kind of worried. We boh have had our health challanges (me w/low grade lung cancer etc.), but I worry about him, because if its spine related does that mean emergency surgery?