Hello doctor, I hope you can help. I have been suffering with ezcema on my neck for the last few months and a few weeks ago it spread to be forehead and became infected. I was put on antibioitics and steroid creams. My neck is no longer in a rash formation nor is it itchy but it is still visably red. My question is firstly does the use of steriod creams lead to your skin needing time to recover from them? Also, today when I looked in the mirror I noticed not only an increased number of whitehead spots on my forehead but also orange crusts around them. Is this a sign that I have infected skin again and will therefore need to use antibiotics once more? I very much hope this is not the case due to the sensitivity of my skin as it is with all of the creams I have been told to use. I have read online that ezcema takes time to heal and needs helping - not having hot showers, avoiding touching the area, eating more fruit and venegetables for the added vitamins, staying hydrated etc. Is it enough for me to take a natural approach to healing or will the skin not naturally heal itself from the ezcema? Also, the skin on my forehead does not itch or burn, so can it be infected ezcema?