Hello. I have been prescribed to 10 mg of adderall twice a day for about a year and a half now, about 6 months after beginning the adderall, I began experiencing muscle tightness all over but mostly in between my shoulder blades. I have tender points in my thighs, and buttock area, and calves. I never thought until now after some research on side effects that my pain could be coming from the adderall. During my research that is when I learned about Rhabdomyolysis.. however I always have take my medication as prescribed. Recently I have felt as if my medication is not working for me anymore. My body feels as if I have the flu but I am not ill. The tender points feel like big bruises but are not visible to the skin. I have been to physical therapy after clear xrays from a local Orthopedic, that suggested poor posture.. this is not the case for me. My pain is to severe. I do no know where else to turn because I do not feel comfortable seeking help from any more doctors after several attempts, only leaving me with the blank stare and being treated as if I m only trying to score narcotics. My question is; 1. Are my symptoms something someone would experience with Rhabdomyolysis? 2. What steps should I take if so?