I have been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, have had to have an electric shock (defibrillation) about 18 months ago, I had a second milder episode about 5 months ago that recovered on it’s on without treatment while checking in at emergency. Because of safety concerns raised at work, I have recently been doing some reading on RF/EMF/EMR and associations to heart arrhythmic issues. For my job, I am required to carry a portable radio that emits RF/EMF that seem to fall within Canadian Federal Standards, however, my employer is now suggesting that we carry two portable radios, both of which are support using a Utility belt around the waist, and both have hands free microphones that attached to an Epaulet Mic Strap near each shoulder. Additionally, we are often in a company vehicle that has a mobile radio system in the vehicle and carry a company cell (iPhone) that I general put into a pocket compartment in a vest on my right side. On top of that I carry two additional cell phones (one android smart phone, the other another iPhone) that I usually will put in a side thigh pocket for each leg in my tactical pants. Some of the reading I have come across suggest that direct or frequent contact with portable electronic devices, such as the equipment I am using, could have direct negative impact on increased safety issues associated with heart arrhythmic issues and/or potentially be a cause to have triggered the Atrial Fibrillation episodes that I have experienced. It seems that there are a number of warnings available, and that studies are currently being conducted to measure the severity of associations to heart issues in this regard. I am wondering if you have any comments about this, are aware of safety associated issues or can direct me to studies, etc. Best regards, Rob