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1. Coming to Ist question , can
calpol cure her ,
Calpol contains
paracetamol which is safest drug used for symptomatic relief from fever , it will provide relief from fever , till disease causing fever resolves .Disease responsible for fever usually resolves itself by 3- 7 days , as most are due to viral infections resolve by that time , if there is any danger sign / symptom you need to consult your doctor ( baby dull even when fever is down , passing less urine than normal, poor oral acceptance , c/o throat pain or difficulty in ingestion, or any sound during breathing, rapid breathing , continuous
high fever not relieved with paracetamol and tepid sponging ,
convulsion, or any change in symptoms like appearance of
cold extremities).
Coming to 2nd question :- how many doses and interval ,
assuming 12 kg your baby needs 180 mg ( 15 mg / kg ) that is 3.6 ml of Calpol 250 mg suspension , at this dose you can repeat it after every 6 hours. If fever is more, does not come down you can always do tepid sponging .
3. Regarding
cough she need to be seen by doctor before suggesting any medicine.