Hello there, thanks for writing in. There are two things you need to consider here.
1. By being on hormonal contraceptives, there are many uses other than
contraception to it like, treatment of
premenstrual syndrome, regular cycles, decreased amount of menstrual flow, no dysmenorrhoea, protection against endometrial, colorectal,
ovarian cancer and also
benign breast disease,
hirsutism, acne or menstrual migraines.
2. Opting for female sterilisation, may not give you the entire pack of privilege but certainly it will not lead to a hormonal imbalance in your body as ovaries function well after tubal sterilisation. But in most cases the procedure is considered irreversible and if it needs to be reversed, it may not be feasible or successful all the time. The fact is, in all probability it is considered permanent and there is no hassle of everyday pills.
So here are two methods of contraception before you and I ve laid down pro s and cons. I encourage you to choose whatever works best for you.
Hope this information helps. Take care !