Hello sir, I'm 24 years old. i am expecting a baby on March-22. I'm in 23rd week of my pregnancy. Today (23-nov-2011), i checked fetal movement through ultrasound. My question is: Is there any serious problem on having anterior low lying placenta? What is the chance of getting placenta on normal position upto the last week of pregnancy? The ultrasound report shows something like this: Fetus: Gravid uterus containing a single live fetus seen. Transverse lie at the time of examination. Normal fetal movement and regular cardiac activity noted. BPD = 58.5 mm = 24 weeks 0 days FL = 40.5 mm = 23 weeks 1 days AC = 183.9 mm = 23 weeks 1 days weight = 581 gm. Placenta: Attached anterior, low lying, inferior margin 1.6 cm from internal os. Normal placental thickness, No retroplacental collection. Amniotic Fluid: Adequate amount.Impression: singleton pregnancy of 23+3 weeks gestation. Transverse lie. anterior low lying placenta. Eventhough the ultrasound report shows low lying placenta after 23 weeks of pregnancy, i did not faced any type of bleeding upto now.