So, it started about 3 weeks ago. I traveled to Indonesia and Malaysia. In Indonesia, I got bitten up by some bugs when I was snorkeling. There were like a 100 bug bites on the back of my legs. And then Malaysia, I think I got bitten by beg bugs. This bites were also on the back of my legs, but they were much different then the first set of bites. There was red swelling around these bites probably an inch in diameter and these bites were more elevated from the skin . I never saw a doctor about the bug bites and they have been disappearing. Then I came back home and 5 days later, I got acute tonsillitis . I went on antibiotics for about 10 days. Now, I have been off the antibiotics for 1 day and my whole body is itching. I haven t started using any new hygiene products. Also, it is not diarrhea , but my bowel movements are much softer and much more frequent and I am having some leakage.