Hallow Dear,
Even if your pregnant, the symptoms like engorgement of the breasts due to
pregnancy will not appear so soon. The first cardinal symptom of early pregnancy is missing a period. All other symptoms like nausea &
frequent urination and breast symptoms appear about a week later. This engorgement could be due to
progesterone in second half of the pregnancy.
Midcycle, an egg gets released (ovulation). On and around this day, some women get some amount of spotting to slight bleeding, may be associated with some pain in either of the flanks. This is known as
Mittelschmerz. The spotting you had is nothing but the Mittelschmerz. This is not a sigh of pregnancy.
However, since you had
unprotected intercourse, (particularly if it was on or around the day of Mittelschmerz) you have to keep the possibility of pregnancy in mind.
Earliest you can detect pregnancy is 10 days after the last unprotected intercourse.
Beta hCG test on blood at this time can detect the pregnancy reliably.
Alternatively, wait for your menses to appear. If they appear on time you are not pregnant. However, if your periods are delayed, please wait for about a week before you perform pregnancy test on urine; earlier these tests may report false negative. One week after the missed period, pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample will give you the evidence of pregnancy if so.
I hope this should clarify your all doubts.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri