Hallow Dear,
Considering your periods to be of 28-30 days, 13th day after the period falls very much near the day of egg release (ovulation). (However, they may be irregular considering your PCOS). Hence, due to unprotected sex on that day, there should have been high risk of
pregnancy otherwise. However, within one hour after the intercourse you have taken
Ipill which is very effective post coital
contraceptive pill. So you need not worry about the possibilities of pregnancy.
Ipill contains high amount of
Levonorgestrel which is a Progestational medicines. Therefore, after Ipill, there is possibility of the periods getting delayed by few days. You need not be worried about delayed periods.
You have been given
Regesterone pill to be taken upto 26th February. After discontinuing these pills, you should get menses within 4-7 days.
However, if you have been diagnosed as a case of PCOS, please do not neglect it. Report to your Gynaecologists for appropriate management of PCOS. PCOS can also cause irregularities in the menstrual cycles.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri