Thank you for asking at HCM.
I went through your query, and would like to congratulate you for your keen observation. Such observation of self is indeed a path to health!
Yes, spring cabbage can trigger headache in those who are prone to. In some persons, it can trigger even migraine-like
headaches. However, culprit may not be oxalates (oxalates are related with
kidney stones) but may be other contents like n-hydroxytryptamines or such others.
Were I treating you, I would suggest you take a multivitamin-multimineral supplement.
Vitamins such as B6, C and other minerals aid in
metabolism of biogenic amines. After 2-3 months of supplementation, I would suggest you to "try" eating small quantity of spring greens, if tolerated, gradually you can increase consumption.
Hope above information will be helpful to you.
Thank you & Regards.