hi dr, I am in my 38th week of pregnancy now. my due date is Feb 16th. However, my doc says that i have dilated around 2 cm, she used a term called spatula sauce, which i am not sure what it is. But she said that if i am opting for an elective c-sec, i should do so within a week's time. I am planning to go in for elective c-sec next week, i.e. i will be delivering my baby on 38+2 week. would there be any effect on the health of my child? my first child was born thru c-sec and baby wt was 3.4 kg. this is my second delivery and at 35 week scan baby wt was showing 2.5kg. i also had hormonal tablets & shots till my 30th week to assist lung maturity of baby. pls. advise whethr delivering at 38+2 week wont cause any health concern in the unborn. thanks,