Hi Doctor, a few weeks ago, I felt a flutter in my stomach after eating and immediately was short of breathe with Tachycardia, I didn t lose consciousness but couldn t catch my breathe and went pale. I went to my GP, had labs done, and everything came back in order and I was told it was nervous stomach from stress, I was prescribed Zantac. I have always suffered from constipation, but now after that episode, I get the same sensation in my stomach after I eat anything, I feel full, constipated, and like throwing up, and as if there was a ball in my stomach that feels warm. I also have the hard time breathing and my heart starts to race. Could this be a gallbladder symptom or something else? How can I have my GP give me a full check up to see if there s something wrong with my digestive tract? I m a 38 year old female and this is very scary. Thank you!